Friday, May 24, 2013

Shelly Fisher's Modest Home Business Idea Evolves to A Million Dollar Small Business Idea that Saves Lives

Every parent who has ever lost something made with love as a gift from a child knows the panic Shelly Fisher felt when she lost a beaded earring made by her 7 year old daughter while the family was vacationing on the Jersey Shore. What Shelly did not know, is the loss of that earring would result in a profitable passion and a creative small business idea driving an amazing purpose which quite literally saves lives. Actually Shelly stated out with a simple home business idea that evolved into her incredible small business today. 

In an article for the Huffington Post, Fisher tells how she found a bead store on the boardwalk thinking the owner of the store could quickly make a replacement earring and her daughter would not be disappointed with her Mother losing her special gift.

Fishers says,